Why Haven’t You Called? Get a Free vCIO Consult

As a leader in a medium-sized business, do you sometimes feel like technology is more of a headache than an asset? Do you stay up at night worrying whether your technology is holding you back? Do you feel overwhelmed trying to evaluate new systems, keep data secure, and ensure IT aligns to your business strategy?

You pour so much effort into your company’s success but you know you lack the expertise to make the most of your technology decisions – so you do what you need to keep afloat. You waste valuable time and money maintaining outdated systems and processes. You know your business needs more from IT, but aren’t sure where to start.

If any of this sounds familiar, maybe it’s time you consider the strategic guidance of a Virtual Chief Information Officer (vCIO).

The Leadership Challenge:

You’ve successfully led your business through various stages of growth, but are now faced with a different set of challenges and let’s be honest, you aren’t an IT expert:

  • Navigating Complex Technology Decisions: Shifting from basic systems to more sophisticated technology requires informed decision-making. For example, do you have the time and expertise to choose the best ERP solution for your business from the 100’s that are out there?
  • Ensuring Cybersecurity and Compliance: Protecting your business in an increasingly complex cyber landscape. Did you know that a recent survey by Datto found that 60% of small businesses hit by ransomware go out of business within 6 months. Lacking proper cybersecurity training and safeguards puts you at major risk.
  • Aligning Technology with Business Vision: Integrating IT strategy with your long-term business goals for sustained growth. If you don’t have a modern CRM you could be missing out on some of the insights you need to better understand your customers – 80% of businesses see growth after implementing a modern CRM solution.
  • Boosting Productivity with Modern Solutions: Overcoming the limitations of outdated technology to enhance efficiency. If your field service team is still using paper forms, you could improve their efficiency by 30% or more, simply by digitising with a mobile app.

The Solution:

These issues can stall your growth and understandably leave you feeling frustrated. But technology should be a competitive advantage, not a burden. The solution is bringing on an experienced vCIO to provide strategic technology leadership.

Before partnering with a vCIO, you may have:

  • Spent over $200,000 on an ERP implementation gone wrong due to lack of expertise managing the project and vendor.
  • Experienced multiple malware attacks that cost 10+ hours per incident to recover from.


After bringing on a vCIO, you could:

  • Ensure a new POS system rolls out on time and budget across 130 stores, saving over $500K.
  • Implement advanced threat protection and security training to reduce infections by 90% and save 8+ hours per week.


As your outsourced Virtual CIO, I become your expert technology advisor focused on maximizing the value of IT. The core benefits I provide are:

  • Strategic IT Vision – I take a bird’s eye view of your systems and processes to create a technology roadmap tailored for your business growth.
  • Cost-Effective Expertise – You get C-level guidance without the overhead of a full salary. I scale to fit your needs.
  • Objective Insights – With an external perspective, I offer unbiased advice to guide your IT decision making.
  • Security and Compliance – I stay on top of regulations and cyberthreats to protect your business.
  • Innovation – I constantly research emerging technologies relevant to your industry to keep you ahead.


The Right Time:

If the leadership challenges mentioned above resonate with you, you may be wondering – is now the right time for me to engage a vCIO? Ask yourself these key questions:

  • Is your technology budget ballooning due to lack of strategic oversight?
  • Are there growing gaps between your systems and processes, leading to inefficiencies?
  • Is the ROI unclear on recent technology investments?
  • Is our IT not fully aligned with long-term business goals?
  • Is there no clear owner of our technology strategy?
  • Has downtime from aging systems increased recently?


If you answered yes to any of these, moving forward with a vCIO is likely your best next step. Waiting leads to wasted time, money and opportunities. With an expert vCIO guiding your technology strategy, you can get back to accelerating growth rather than putting out IT fires.

My Partnership Approach:

I know you may have concerns about costs and fit. Rest assured, my vCIO services are designed for flexibility. I start by learning about your business and existing technology environment. Then we tailor an engagement model to suit your budget and needs. Plus, I integrate seamlessly with your current IT staff, providing leadership and mentoring.

Your Urgent Call to Action:

Now for the call to action – if your technology issues resonate with the points covered in this article, why haven’t you called me yet? My free vCIO consult offer is limited, so act now!

In our complimentary consult, we’ll discuss:

  • Your business goals, pain points and technology needs
  • An assessment of your current IT systems and strategy
  • How my vCIO services can map to your specific situation


I’ll provide an overview of what we could accomplish together in the first 90 days to get your technology working FOR your organization rather than AGAINST it.


Don’t leave your business behind in the technology race. Now is the time to gain the strategic advantage of a vCIO. Why keep struggling with technology when expert help is a call or click away?

Reach out now to claim your free vCIO consultation – let’s start accelerating your growth today!



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