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Effective IT Leadership - Part 1

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are  finding that their survival and success increasingly hinges on having the right technology AND the right IT leadership within their business.

The acceleration of technological innovation and the proliferation of cyber threats have underscored the critical importance of not just managing IT but also strategically leading IT to bolster business growth, resilience, and to provide a competitive edge. It means having: EFFECTIVE IT LEADERSHIP.

In this 3-part series, we share our approach to Effective IT Leadership, based on 4 Pillars that we believe are crucial – Strategy & Governance – Security & Risk – Operations & Delivery – People & Resources.

Effective Leadership - Part 1

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Effective IT Leadership - Part 2

In the second part of our eBook series on Effective IT Leadership, we delve deeper into the 4 Pillars – Strategy & Governance – Security & Risk – Operations & Delivery – People & Resources and discuss how you can improve your skills in each of these.

The acceleration of technological innovation and the proliferation of cyber threats have underscored the critical importance of not just managing IT but also strategically leading IT to bolster business growth, resilience, and to provide a competitive edge. It means having: EFFECTIVE IT LEADERSHIP.

In this 3-part series, we share our approach to Effective IT Leadership, based on 4 Pillars that we believe are crucial – Strategy & Governance – Security & Risk – Operations & Delivery – People & Resources.

Effective Leadership - Part 1

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Software Development

North Sydney, NSW

This medium-sized software company had decided to shift its focus and needed to restructure and downsize its team from 50 to approximately 20 people.  The CEO wanted an independent consultant to plan the downsizing so he could maintain good relationships with the remaining staff.

We worked with the CEO to determine the future roles and functions that were required and then designed a new organisation structure to suit.  Once we had the structure documented, we went through a process of reviewing all existing personnel and recommending which staff should be retained.  The organisation was able to adapt to its new purpose and keep the staff that were needed.

Legal Services

Parramatta, NSW

This small legal firm with approximately 8 staff was operating from a small office and had no structure or plan around their use of technology.  Email was managed by their domain hosting provider, and they used an old laptop with an external USB drive attached for file storage.  They could only access files from within the office environment and staff would take documents home on a USB drive if needed.

We worked with the owner to identify an improved operating model that catered for both on-site and remote working and managed the implementation and migration of their email and file sharing to Microsoft M365.  This enabled them to move to a hybrid working environment and as a result, increase their staff numbers without needing to rent more office space.

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