Case Studies

Below are some example case studies where our team have helped organisations, just like yours.

Case Studies


Western Sydney, NSW

This medium-sized client produces tractors and farm equipment, with sales and service branches throughout Australia.  All of their IT services were supplied by a Sydney-based MSP and our role was to independently review their current arrangements and determine if they were appropriate.

Our review identified that their backups were being stored locally only and that there was no documented process for recovery in the event of a disaster.  We recommended implementation of an off-site (cloud) backup solution and defined and tested a recovery processes.  This allowed an acceptable RPO and RTO to be established.

Software Development

North Sydney, NSW

This medium-sized software company had decided to shift its focus and needed to restructure and downsize its team from 50 to approximately 20 people.  The CEO wanted an independent consultant to plan the downsizing so he could maintain good relationships with the remaining staff.

We worked with the CEO to determine the future roles and functions that were required and then designed a new organisation structure to suit.  Once we had the structure documented, we went through a process of reviewing all existing personnel and recommending which staff should be retained.  The organisation was able to adapt to its new purpose and keep the staff that were needed.

Legal Services

Parramatta, NSW

This small legal firm with approximately 8 staff was operating from a small office and had no structure or plan around their use of technology.  Email was managed by their domain hosting provider, and they used an old laptop with an external USB drive attached for file storage.  They could only access files from within the office environment and staff would take documents home on a USB drive if needed.

We worked with the owner to identify an improved operating model that catered for both on-site and remote working and managed the implementation and migration of their email and file sharing to Microsoft M365.  This enabled them to move to a hybrid working environment and as a result, increase their staff numbers without needing to rent more office space.


Regional NSW

With approximately 30 staff, this finance client had recently separated from their parent company who were still supplying all IT-related services to them.  They had been given 6 months to move everything away and the CEO had no dedicated IT team within the organisation.

Our role was to define a future-state operating model for all their IT needs (desktop, server, applications, network, helpdesk, and telephony) and to lead the transition from their former parent.  This was successfully achieved within the required timeframes.

Legal Services

Sydney CBD, NSW

The document storage and destruction contract for a large legal services client was due to expire and the client was looking for alternative providers.

We were engaged to manage the complete tender process which included documenting requirements, preparing and issuing the RFP, running information sessions, evaluating the responses and recommending the preferred provider to the client.


Western Sydney, NSW

This well-known brand was operating approximately 50 stores throughout the region and each one was run as a separate business within the overall parent organisation.  The CEO and CFO need to look at how they could centralise their financial reporting as it was too complex to consolidate individual store reporting and meet end of month deadlines.

We developed a 5-year IT strategy for the business and identified that they needed more than just a new finance system.  Our recommendation was that they adopt an ERP solution across the whole organisation.  We then led the tender process to identify the best solution and managed the delivery of a market leading ERP product.  This included finance and accounting, inventory management, human resources, and CRM functions.

NSW Government

Sydney & Regional, NSW

As an approved supplier to the NSW Government, we have been engaged to manage the delivery of infrastructure changes for more than 20 government agencies. Whether it be for a data centre relocation, an application move to the cloud, or a large scale email and data migration, our team has been supporting government projects for more than 10 years.

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